Quest:A Missive to Echad-in-Edhil

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A Missive to Echad-in-Edhil
Level 121
Type Solo
Starts with Eärtur
Starts at Adambel
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [99.5S, 126.3W]
Ends with Celeborn
Ends at Echad-in-Edhil
End Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [95.9S, 127.9W]
Quest Chain Mordor Besieged: Parth Daenath
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The Great Alliance is not just a name, my friend. It is a symbol of the friendship between Men and Elves, and as such we must do whatever we can to maintain it! I have here a missive that must go to Celeborn of the Elves at Echad-in-Edhil. Pick it up and bring it to him, for we must keep the lines of communication open or Sauron will have the victory!'


Eärtur, the Prince of Belfalas, wishes to deliver a missive of tactical importance to Celeborn in Echad-in-Edhil.

Objective 1

  • Collect the missive

The missive can be found near Eärtur in Adambel.

You should collect the missive.

This missive of tactical importance should be deliverd to Echad-in-Edhil at once!

Objective 2

Celeborn can be found in Echad-in-Edhil.

You should bring the missive to Celeborn.

Celeborn: 'Thank you for bringing this information to me. What does it concern? Does every messenger seek to know the contents of the message upon its delivery?
'I mean no harm by the question. Indeed, I will tell you, for it is only by open communication that we can hope to bring this siege to an end. There are forces gathering at Amon Fuin, and this letter contains information about the fortress built upon that hill that will help us oppose them. This missive may help turn the tide of this war.'